
I have…

...or at least I’m fairly sure I have a phobia to TOMATOES. I can’t touch them, struggle to look at them and most certainly cannot eat them. This refers not just to raw tomatoes but also to ketchup, salsa, Doritos that have tomato powder on them… before you ask, or anything.

I am also…

...a vegetarian, and have been since about the age of 12. Some people think this might make life a bit difficult. It can do, but it depends where you go, who you speak to, and how you cook.

I am also…

...a Type 1 Diabetic, and have been since about the age of 3 (henceforth, not a result of being a tomatophobic vegetarian). Some people think this might make life a bit difficult. It can do, but it depends where you go, who you speak to, and how you cook.

I also don’t like…

...mushrooms, eggs, and olives. I have sincerely tried to like these things, but so far, it hasn’t happened. I’m pretty content in my dislike for them. Some people think this might make life a bit difficult. It can do, but it depends where you go, who you speak to, and how you cook.

People ask, ‘What do you actually eat?’, and I suppose it’s a fair question. But the answer would probably be as long as it would be if a non-tomato-fearing, meat-eating, non-diabetic mushroom liker was queried with the same. I do not want to discourage people from eating tomatoes. As much as I hate to admit it, they’re really bloody good for you.  What I do want to encourage is experimentation; these dislikes, preferences, conditions and whatever you want to call them have forced me to become highly imaginative in the kitchen and that is a delight. Mixing things up and thinking about new ways of doing things means we can always be excited by something… even if it’s just a makeshift Spaghetti Bolognese.

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