What she gave me, and kindly even filled in an empty water bottle for me to take away, was this homemade concoction of wonder: water, freshly squeezed lemons, mint, ice and cinnamon sugar. This simple mix travelled much further with me than back down the L Train (not least because I kept refilling the old bottle with the used mint and lemons in it for at least 2 weeks - gross but it worked) - it's also travelled round in my mind for years since. My plight has been the cinnamon sugar, which I am STILL YET TO FIND. But this is not necessarily a bad thing.
As a diabetic, I probably shouldn't be dedicating my time to finding sugar. I don't want to confuse people - I'm a Type 1, which means sometimes I physically need sugar (something which a lot of people don't seem to understand), but it's not really something I should be consuming as often as I do water. So the other day, I was just staring at my spice rack (I do this sometimes) and my two little sticks of cinnamon basically jumped into my face and started saying 'Lemonade! Lemonade!'. The obvious answer was a long time coming. If I just replaced the cinnamon sugar with natural cinnamon bark, I would still get the unique taste of this wondrous marriage of ingredients - and in a Diabetic Friendly way, too. Cinnamon's even been reported recently to lower bloodsugar, so double score.
Here is how I made this beautifully simple but necessary-to-life drink:
Diabetic Friendly Lemonade
It goes without saying, this is perfect for summer eves such as these (although as I'm writing this, it's started thundering down with rain. I'm definitely not living abroad any more, am I). It's great if you're trying to cut down on alcohol a bit - I find that when I get home after a long, hot day, I really do enjoy an ice cold beer or a cider, and this fills that gap just nicely if you don't want to do that every single day. Although - the lemonade would also be AWESOME with a bit of gin or whisky thrown in, winky face.
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