Sunday, 13 July 2014

Tomatophobe: One | Tomatoes: Nil

I'm not going to lie. I'm not a football fan.

OK, stop shouting at me! I'm not a football fan, but the World Cup is a little different. For me, it's less about trying to learn the offside rule but very much about the atmosphere, the sense of community and anticipation, and the big mix up of cultures. This, I can get on board with.

I'm not going to lie. This dish I'm about to explain was not a World Cup dish.

But wait! If you give me a chance, I'll explain how it all links in. This dish, a two bean chilli, was my declaration that Mexician food does not require tomato. I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD. I'd say I probably first went truly nuts over it in America, where both the quality and quantity of the stuff was in abundance - it was more normal to get a Mexican takout than say, an Indian. And more often than not, there was already a tomatoless option, contrary to much belief; and if there wasn't, there was always a willingness to prep something without my red little fiend, because it was mostly made fresh and on the spot. For shame, UK, as I have not witnessed this same methodology here in your fair land.

So I cook Mexican quite a lot, not just for enjoyment but for protest. This particular dish was a bit of a twist on what I usually come up with - it didn't look too traditionally Mexicana but wow, it stood out. This bright little beanie treat is COLOURFUL... and this is how I got onto the subject of the World Cup. The fusion of colours - of reds, greens and yellows having their own little festivals together - reminded me of the teams and their fans in Mexico V Brasil. The clashing colours of opposing players' strips on that big green pitch, and all the supporters dancing around in a rainbowish frenzy at the back, is all cooked up in this chilli which was originally a mere 'in your face' to tomatoes. So you can make this if you hate tomatoes, or if you love football, or if you supported Mexico, or if you like colour, or if you just like nice tasting food. *Insert clichéd football phrase that would actually just sound really cringey if I wrote it, so we won't go there after all*

Mexican Style Two Bean Chilli without Tomato

Two Bean Tomatoless Rainbow Chilli with Coriander Rice and Crushed Avocado

Two Bean Tomatoless Chilli with Coriander Rice and Crushed Avocado

1) Make the rice. Put your necessary quantity of rice on the boil, and then blitz up the coriander, parsley, lime, garlic and spring onion with a little herb infused oil. You won't have a huge quantity of paste, and if you'd really like to, you can increase the ingredients. I like the subtle difference this small amount of paste makes to the rice. Whatever you decide to do, set the paste aside until the rice is cooked.

2) Fry the onion and soften it slightly. I would nearly always use red onion for my Mexican cooking, but I happened to have white, so just go with what's available. After a couple of minutes, add the celery. Next comes your garlic and chilli, and then the peppers, mange tout and finally the beans.


3) To your bean mix, stir in the harissa, vinegar, a little sweet chilli sauce if you like, some smoked parika, salt, ground cinnamon, allspice and cayenne pepper. Cover the pan and allow it all to simmer together harmoniously.

Mexican Style Two Bean Chilli without Tomato

4) Quickly make the avocado. This isn't intended to be a guacamole, just a refreshing little alternative to salad that goes great with this dish. Mash the avocado roughly - I think chunks are good - mix in the crushed garlic and squeeze in the lime or lemon. If you have some coriander leftover, it will go nicely in here, too. Assuming your rice has cooked, drain it and stir in the paste, seasoning as you like.

5) Serve it in a way where you can truly admire all the different colours that make up the differing elements of this dish. You probably want to grate some cheese over it, too.

Mexican Style Two Bean Chilli without Tomato

By the way, this chilli would go awesomely on top of some nachos. Junk food healthified!

Whoever wins today, I will probably be thinking about what the experience inspires me to cook. OK - football fans have permission to throw stuff at me now - just make sure you're not throwing tomatoes!

Served: three
Took: about half an hour
Things that went wrong: didn't you hear? Tomatophobe, one; tomatoes, nil

Thursday, 10 July 2014

From the Tortoise to the Hare: Kale & Walnut Pilaf

Kale and Walnut Pilaf

The other day I made a pretty buff, even if time consuming, salad. This turned out to be not just delicious but highly economical, because not only did the salad do me several lunchworth's, it's leftover ingredients also informed this super-quick, super-nutritional pilaf.

This is just a quick one guys - because that's what this dish is - quick (the antithesis, you might therefore see it, to my time-consuming salad). The kale and walnuts were bought for the original salad - everything else was in my store cupboard, spice rack or fridge.

Kale & Walnut Pilaf 

Boil a saucepan and put in your desired quantity of brown rice - this usually takes about half an hour to cook; white rice is quicker if you really do want something speedy. Heat some oil in a pan, and add some mustard and cumin seeds. Once they start to pop, add your kale and let it wilt for a couple of minutes. Then add in a can of cannellini or butterbeans, the walnuts, some chopped coriander or any other herb you might have around, and three cloves of crushed garlic. Give that a bit of a mix before adding some dried chilli flakes. Drain your rice and mix it into your kale pan - add some celery salt, ground cumin, smoked paprika and ground turmeric. At this point, I cubed up some feta and stirred this in too - it melts a bit but that's not a bad thing. You're done - serve with some natural yoghurt dolloped on top for a spicy, aromatic and rewarding dish.

Kale and Walnut Pilaf

Kale and Walnut Pilaf

Monday, 7 July 2014

Monday Meals: Not-So-Simple Salad & Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips and Salad

So it's actually hot outside now. When it gets to this time of the year, I usually go into an uncharacteristic desire to lay off the carbs and eat only things that refresh me - Princess Tomatophobe is out in force. Less princessy is the fact that it's still me who has to cook after getting home from a long day at work, and so the notion of making something that's just as effortless and quick as it is refreshing and nutritious is one that circles frequently in my sun-addled mind.

Queue the idea for the most simple dinner in the world - sweet potato chips served with a big, gorgeous salad. That's it. Because that is simple, right?


So why does it take me at least an hour to make?!

A multi-ingrediental meal is one where those multi-ingredients need multi-washing, multi-prepping, multi-etc. The most innocent of salad ingredients are crafty enough to make you work for their goodness - I double checked this, because I made another version of the salad a week after the first, to confirm it wasn't me being ridiculously slow. I guess that's still up for debate, but the hypothesis has been tested.

That said - this is still a BEAUTIFUL thing to eat of a summer's evening, and I encourage you all to go and make it - today - now. But if you're rushed for time, maybe make it tomorrow instead.

I'm putting both salad examples below because the process is the same - one had kale and beetroot for a more earthy experience and the other had rocket and radish for something more zingy. To be honest, you can mix and replace the ingredients as you see fit - maybe blue cheese instead of feta, or butterbeans insetad of chickpeas - hell, throw in the whole lot and more if you're making the salad for several people (or plan to have a multi-portional experience of your own).

Not-So-Simple Salad & Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips and Salad

1) Cut the sweet potatoes into chip shapes, and put them in a boiling pan for 5 mins. You don't want to overdo this, as they'll go mushy if you boil them for too long. Drain, and pour into a roasting dish. Dust with paprika, cayenne, rosemary and olive oil, toss it all about, and roast in a preheated oven (about 180C) for half an hour, or until nice and crispy.

2) Make the salad. First put the rocket, kale or whatever your base leaf is in a big bowl. Then the following order of what you put in doesn't really matter, but I always do it order of least messy to most messy - as remember, you're chopping as you go. That's celery, then radish if using, then chickpeas (or your desired bean), then walnuts (or your desired nut), then beetroot if using, then the cheese, then the avocado. Squeeze over half a lemon and give it a lovely big mix.

Radish, avocado and feta salad

3) Make the dressing - in a cup, spoon your yoghurt, mustard and vinegar. Mix well and taste to see if you need to add a little extra of anything. This makes a beautifully creamy but LOW FAT dressing, and is one of my favourite, most simple inventions.

4). You're done. How did all that take an hour?!

Of course - it's been insinuated before and I'm fairly certain it will be again that I am not the fastest of movers. I'd be interested to know what time everyone else takes - from the very first peel of the potato right up to the second the dressing is poured over the salad. The race is on. Go!

Sweet Potato Chips and Salad

Sweet Potato Chips and Salad

Served: two people on the night with the chips, but the salad then lasted me for lunch for the next two days.
Took: It honestly took me about an hour. I know, I know...
Things that went wrong: when I told myself I'd be sitting down soon.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Diabetic Friendly Lemonade

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade

A few years back, when I lived in Brooklyn, I was returning some camera equipment to an Iranian TV presenter (this was the kind of life I lived. Sigh) and she offered me some lemonade, because it was the hottest summer the city had seen in 10 years and I think my pale skin looked pretty flustered after lugging the equipment up the L Train and then getting a little bit lost.

What she gave me, and kindly even filled in an empty water bottle for me to take away, was this homemade concoction of wonder: water, freshly squeezed lemons, mint, ice and cinnamon sugar. This simple mix travelled much further with me than back down the L Train (not least because I kept refilling the old bottle with the used mint and lemons in it for at least 2 weeks - gross but it worked) - it's also travelled round in my mind for years since. My plight has been the cinnamon sugar, which I am STILL YET TO FIND. But this is not necessarily a bad thing.

As a diabetic, I probably shouldn't be dedicating my time to finding sugar. I don't want to confuse people - I'm a Type 1, which means sometimes I physically need sugar (something which a lot of people don't seem to understand), but it's not really something I should be consuming as often as I do water. So the other day, I was just staring at my spice rack (I do this sometimes) and my two little sticks of cinnamon basically jumped into my face and started saying 'Lemonade! Lemonade!'. The obvious answer was a long time coming. If I just replaced the cinnamon sugar with natural cinnamon bark, I would still get the unique taste of this wondrous marriage of ingredients - and in a Diabetic Friendly way, too. Cinnamon's even been reported recently to lower bloodsugar, so double score.

Here is how I made this beautifully simple but necessary-to-life drink:

Diabetic Friendly Lemonade

diabetic friendly lemonade

1) I like using a good aesthetic carafe for stuff like this - but any old jug will do. Fill your chosen vessel with ice - lots of it, and squeeze the juice of each of your lemon quarters over it. Then chuck in the squeezed lemons with the ice.

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade



Freshly squeezed lemons

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade

2) Add your mint and cinnamon. Give it a slight mix, then at this point, add the agave syrup if desired. I used this because it's really low in sugar compared to - um - sugar, and other alternatives like honey and golden syrup. It's got about 7g carb per serving, so if you divvy that serving up in regards to your whole carafe, you're really only getting a few grams of sugar. But please - it is honestly just as nice without this, just slightly zingier.

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade

3) Fill with water. Mix. Place the jug in the sunshine and take a moment to admire your work. Even if you DID use any old jug, this is still something that's just beautiful to look at. It's better if you let it infuse for a little while, but you probably won't be able to wait for this, so enjoy a little glass to start with.

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade

(I love the way the ingredients just naturally separated themselves - cinnamon at the bottom, mint taking the middle and lemons owning the top, like it was some colourful, aesthetic agreement.)

It goes without saying, this is perfect for summer eves such as these (although as I'm writing this, it's started thundering down with rain. I'm definitely not living abroad any more, am I). It's great if you're trying to cut down on alcohol a bit - I find that when I get home after a long, hot day, I really do enjoy an ice cold beer or a cider, and this fills that gap just nicely if you don't want to do that every single day. Although - the lemonade would also be AWESOME with a bit of gin or whisky thrown in, winky face.

Diabetic Friendly Homemade Lemonade... with Gin